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Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef

Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef
Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef
Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef
Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef
Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef
Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef
Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef
Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef

Ashkenazi Tefillin Gassot Ktav Beit Yossef

$634.17 - $795.23
FREE shipping
Dominant Hand:
Hand Strap Wrapping Direction::
Head Knot:

Product Description

Gassot (thick) are each made from one strip of thick leather, with inserts that make them close flat. This is accomplished by a sophisticated manufacturing process that involves repeated application of several tons of pressure in industrial presses. The resulting batim are so rugged and durable that they can be repaired and reconditioned even if seriously damaged. They typically last a lifetime. The straps are fashioned from the upper part of the hide(retsu’ot elion).

Certified kosher and correct after proofreading by a qualified expert.
Size of the Batim - 34-35mm

Each set is accompanied by a computer check certificate and a certificate of the kashruth level.

Professionally made by "Peer Hastam".

Nusach Ktav Ari or Beis Yossef:
Here are some universal guidelines showing which communities traditionally use each ktav:
Ashkenaz Beis Yossef - is usually used by those adhering to the Ashkenazi tradition, originating in Germany, England, Russia and Lithuania.
Ashkenaz Ari, Ari Zal (Nusach Sefard) - generally used by those following the Hassidic Sefard tradition from Eastern Europe, including Poland, Galicia, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.

Wrapping Direction:
Outwards wrapping direction usually goes with Ktav Ari
Inwards wrapping direction usually goes with Ktav Beit Yossef.


By Peer Hastam
Made in Israel
Batim Size: 34mm - 35mm
Computer Checked
proofreading by a qualified expert
Nusach: Ashkenazi Beit Yosef
Preparation time: 3-5 days

Additional Items

Velvet Navy Tefillin Bag
Dark Blue Velvet Tallit & Tefillin Bags Set
Velvet Black Kippa
Clear Heavy Duty Plastic Tallit Bag cover with zipper
Clear Heavy Duty Plastic Tefillin Bag cover with zipper
Mirror Tefillin Prayer
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Special Features

Kippah Name Embroidery (extra 4 days)(price per letter)
You may choose to embroider either in Hebrew or English or both, the price is per letter
Tallit Bag Name Embroidery (+4 Days)
You may choose to embroider either in Hebrew or English or both, the price is per letter
Name Embroidery on Tefillin Bag (+4 Days)
You may choose to embroider either in Hebrew or English or both, the price is per letter
Upgrade to Hand Made Straps - Retzuos Avodas Yad
Upgrade to black on black handmate Retzuot avodat yad
Rabeinu Tam Tefillin (+12 Days)

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